Trouble Identifying Your Customers? Start with a Dream Article.

Image by fszalai from Pixabay

A small preface (TL;DR) –
At LBRB, we follow a few quotes and mottos we call our guiding lights. One of the big ones we use quite a bit is – “Follow the energy.” To us, this means leaning into good signs around you and following the paths of least resistance. Being ultra-mindful for what you want to deliver and who you want to work with. Especially in the beginning, writing all your goals down and organizing them in a way that allows you to execute closest to the dollar means you can test, evolve and develop better metrics and goals for success along the way. This is the process we built for ourselves and allowed us to work with clients we would have never dreamed of working with. This theory also allowed us to work vertically-agnostic with companies and focus on core, value-driven deliverables. If it worked for us, why wouldn’t you try it and see what happens?

The Dream Article –
I do not know if this has been around for a while or if it is new, but this was the first time it was presented to me, by my Business Partner, Dan. We have been working with Luxury Tourism clients for the past few months, understanding the market and delivering all kinds of business consulting goals and materials. When we hit a brief roadblock with one of our clients about how we can identify and build a target audience for a niche travel company, we started from zero. Which basically meant, we have to define this thing and ask a ton of questions. What is the outcome you want from your travel customers? How do you want them feeling when they get there? How about when they get back home? What emotional connection do you want to leave them with? Do they have a voice? What does that voice say? What will they critique? What will they love? What objections will the company have to overcome to be successful and show them we are the best?

Brainstorming and goal setting goes a long way for this stage and can help you immensely, especially in the beginning. By distilling down your goals and focusing on the pieces that drive business forward, you can build process and routines for success. When you get hyper-aligned with what you want to deliver to a customer or audience, you can begin carving the road to success. But what if you don’t really know the answers to these questions? Are you having trouble identifying that voice? Start with what you know and envision a dream article. At LBRB, a business driven dream article is what your ideal customer would write and think about in an ideal experience from your company. 

To do this, (in luxury travel) we gave this writing prompt –

One of our guests sits down after coming home from a trip with our company. She wants to submit an article to a dream-worthy PR target, a luxury travel magazine. What does she write?

Think of the experience, the intangibles a customer will deal with. How will your product or service change their lives? What do you want your customer left thinking about at the end of their experience with you and your brand? What do they tell their friends? Do they tell everyone? What is the most powerful part of the experience?

It will be worthy to note at this stage – If you envision any experience or feedback that is less than stellar, identify why and fix it. You should be obsessed with your experience, because that is not only what luxury travel companies do, but what ALL successful and long-lasting companies do.

So, what did we (Dan) write?

Below is what I see as a goal “dream article” that gets written by one of our guests after coming home from a trip with you all.
Obviously, I haven’t been on one of our trips yet, but this is what I came up with based on the Tuscany itinerary and what I think it would be like based on discussions with Ian over the last few months and from our conversations with you.

To all my travel ladies,

How many times have you lived this moment… you’re standing at the stovetop, stirring, and swirling. Stirring, and swirling. Rising steam has softened the rough edges of your elbows and hands as you perform your daily masterpiece that can only be described as Bernstein at his podium. Stirring, and swirling. Stirring, and swirling. You place a still-dripping “conductor’s baton” on the spoon rest you picked up on that 10th anniversary trip back to the islands, close your eyes with a familiar aggressive cringe, and wipe the sweat of your brow from wrist to forearm. Reaching back down for your “baton” to resume the masterpi, er, uh, the stirring, and swirling, you realize that isn’t the spoon rest from the islands and you’re not sweating from the rush to get another perfect meal made on time for EVERYONE in the house tonight. You’re nervous because for the first time in a long time you are cooking something new! Something brought home from your girls’ trip, and it is the simple flattened olive oil bottle from the market in Lucca that replaced your old spoon rest that triggers this awakening… have you lived this moment? Not yet?

My recent escapade to Tuscany, Italy with The Dandelion Journals was nothing short of enchanting. Amidst the rolling hills and vineyard-draped landscapes, I found myself immersed in a world where time seemed to stand still, and every corner revealed a new treasure waiting to be discovered. From the moment I stumbled upon their website, I knew this adventure would be special, but little did I anticipate how profoundly it would touch my soul.

From the bustling markets of Florence to the quaint alleyways of Siena, and the living kaleidoscope that is Cinque Terre, Tuscany captivated my senses at every turn. The warm embrace of sunrise breaking over the perfectly manicured countryside, the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting from local trattorias, and the soothing buzz of locals going about their day created an atmosphere of unparalleled charm and authenticity. Really, the whole itinerary was thoughtfully crafted, allowing us to explore iconic landmarks while leaving room for spontaneous adventures and leisurely strolls through quaint villages.

The journey with The Dandelion Journals was a seamless blend of cultural immersion and magnificent indulgence. Our accommodation was nothing short of luxurious and the private villa, a medieval castle, nestled amidst olive groves and overlooking panoramic vistas, provided the perfect sanctuary to unwind after another day of exploration. Each morning, as I sipped my espresso on the terrace, or saluted the sun on the veranda, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the beauty that surrounded me.

One of the highlights of the trip was undoubtedly the culinary experience. From sampling exquisite wines at family-owned vineyards, and even learning how to pair those wines with our meals, to mastering the art of pasta-making in one of our non-traditional cooking classes with our personal Michelin Star Chef, every meal was a celebration of Tuscan gastronomy. Each dish served as a love letter to the region’s rich culinary heritage, leaving me craving for more with every bite.

What truly made this journey unforgettable was the expertise and hospitality of our hosts at The Dandelion Journals. Our guide, Tanya, known as the Queen of Lucca, not only shared her wealth of knowledge about the region’s history and culture but also went above and beyond with her “local’s only” access that enriched our experience to a level I could never have imagined. The small group dynamic fostered a sense of camaraderie among fellow travelers, turning strangers into lifelong friends.

As I reflect on my time in Tuscany, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the memories created and the friendships forged along the way. The Dandelion Journals not only provided a gateway to Tuscany’s storied past but also offered a glimpse into its vibrant present, leaving an indelible mark on my heart.

When you’re ready to discover your next destination and have your own awakening, let the ladies at The Dandelion Journals share with you their appreciation for the beauty of the world and the joy of exploration.

 Ding, dong! Honey, get the door. That’s Beth, my new travel buddy with the tiramisu we learned to make in Lucca!

Grazie mille!

In closing –

I want everyone on the team to think about how we make this a reality.

What kind of experience it would take for YOU to write something like this as a traveler with us. What are the touchpoints along the way from inquiry, to booking, to taking the trip, and returning home after the trip that need to be in place for a guest to feel this way after traveling with us?

How do we get THIS PERSON on one of our trips, how do we get THIS kind of article placed in specific publications (what are those publications? Travel and Leisure, Journey, New York Times, TravelMag, etc.?), what do we need to do as stakeholders to make all the cogs in our machine run smoothly so this feeling is a regular occurrence?

These are some of the things that we need to identify to build an accurate and thorough roadmap for getting the kind of publicity/exposure we want. When we think like this, we build a product that reflects this goal at every turn, and the processes for achieving that goal become repeatable.

You can also use this for yourself and write yourself a letter to your future-self. Envision yourself in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years. What are you doing? Who is with you? Where are you? It can be fun, scary and accountable.


Have you tried something like this before? What were your results?

Do you know a better way? We would love to hear it!

This blog is for creating change in an overly toxic and saturated market. We want to change that by showing people how we work and giving real answers to business problems. We don’t sell, we don’t paywall. We want a better industry. It starts here. Join us!


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